On the 25th of November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women,we are launching our European campaign targeting bystanders. This campaign is built to raise awareness among party and festival goers about the importance of denormalizing sexism and sexualised violence in nightlife settings, as well as to empower them as participants and bystanders to act in preventing and dissuading sexist behaviors and sexual harassment.
Our goal is to inspire action, to encourage people without shaming or judging, focusing on fighting sexism with creativity, activism, and massive testing. Most often we as bystanders don’t interfere because we simply don’t understand that the situation is disturbing someone’s well-being, fun and safety or we have a social or physical fear.
Therefore, by using an educational and interactive approach, we aim to promote co-responsibility, and offer a variety of tools leaving space for creativity/improvisation.
In this campaign we offer
- BCR test – bystanders chain reaction test.
- Printed Content Package for partners to distribute – 80 free packages for first-to-apply venues containing
- 3 versions of format A2 posters
- 3 versions of flyers format A5 with test + stickers ( 100 copies each)
- Guidelines for distribution & implementation of materials
If you wish to join our campaign and receive a package with these materials actively share it and become a partner as a venue or organization fill this form out:
- Web – open sourced for you to download and take meaningful participation in the campaign! Download material HERE
We wish to engage nightlife participants to start a mapping game – put the stickers on questionable advertisements, establishments and etc. and document this by posting them on their social media with a hashtag #sexismfreenight. and tag us!
Other hashtags you can use are #FunZone4All #BCRtest
*We tried to make our campaign as inclusive as possible while representing the results of our research. We intentionally use gender-neutral and inclusive language and concepts to acknowledge and make visible the specific experiences of cis women, transgender and gender diverse people. However, we choose to use non-neutral language when referring to perpetrators, specifically men. With this decision we don´t want to invisibilize the men who suffered/survived sexualised violence nor perpetrators with other gender identities, but considering the disproportionality and gender imbalances in sexualised violence, it is not possible for us to neutralize the main oppressive gender identity.
**This campaing includes contents that may trigger your personal experiences with sexualised violence, sexual harassment, rape, intrusive behaviour and unwanted sexual attention among other difficult topics. If you experienced any of the portrayed incidents or struggle with any of these topics, this campaign might be difficult for you or bring up strong negative feelings. If you need help or if you are searching for a specialized service able to support you, email us at: