
The research activities of Sexism Free Night were based in a Europe-wide websurvey aimed at collect information on the prevalence of sexism and sexual violence among over-18s in Europe, and to analyse its intersections with specific key factors such as patterns of drug use, participation in nightlife and party environments, nightlife mobility and beliefs about sexual violence. 

We have asked questions about people’s nightlife experiences, acknowledging the COVID19 pandemic happening at the time of survey launching. The time frame included going out before the covid-19 outbreak and also going out in the context of social isolation (e.g. small parties or meetings at home, in nature or public spaces with friends, informal parties in hidden locations or video calls and live streaming events).

The survey was developed and translated into eight different languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Serbian, German, Latvian and Slovenian, while data collection was implemented from 25.11.2020 until 31.12.2020.

Total number of web survey respondents from European countries was 10.148, while 4534 people completed the survey in full and were considered for the analysis. Results of the survey also served for later design of our European  Campaign and Training

You can download the full report HERE.

Disclaimer: This research covers topics about peoples personal experiences with sexual violence, sexual harassment, rape, intrusive behavior and unwanted sexual attention among other difficult topics.
If you experienced any of the portrayed incidents or struggle with any of these topics, this research report might be difficult for you or bring up strong negative feelings. If you need help or if you are searching for a specialized service able to support you, email us at:




Current number of organisations in Italy: 1



Current number of organisations in Luxembourg: 1



Current number of organisations in Austria: 1



Current number of organisations in Portugal: 2



Did you know that only 20.8% of men are identifying sexist jokes as sexualised violence?

So is a stupid sexist joke a crime? It is certainly not but what it does is contribute to the Sexual Violence Pyramid. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids, we know how this pyramid was built.

The Sexual Violence Pyramid shows how behaviours, beliefs, and systems are built on and work in conjunction with one another. The top layers of the pyramid are horrible examples of violence and are recognized normally as violence by the majority of people. It is important to address the top layers but even more crucial to look at the bottom – the roots of the pyramid as if there are no roots there is no tree, isn’t it? 

The structural systems at the bottom of the pyramid are roots of sexual violence, they feed and stabilize violence and unfortunately often are not taken seriously. “Oh, it is just a joke, what I can’t joke now?”, “Boys will be boys” etc.

It is possible to shift our normalized behaviours and deconstruct stereotypes only if each of us stops perceiving “a stupid sexist joke” as a silly thing and be aware that often seemingly harmless acts such as cat-calling or jokes may go unnoticed in society while resulting in much grimmer crimes.

Did you know that 63.1% of people of transgender and non-binary people  feel unsafe while leaving the club alone at night?

According to our research, more than 60%  of transgender, non-binary and other gender diverse people refer they feel insecure in different situations when going out at night. 54,7% of them say they experienced “sexist jokes with sexualized content”, 48,3% “unwanted sexual comments”, 38% “continuous invasion of their personal space”. They identified cismen as the main responsible for their unsafety perceptions and sexualized harassment and violence they experienced.

Transphobia, lesbophobia, homophobia, biphobia and other forms of discrimination towards gender and sexually diverse people have strong impacts on their wellbeing, living conditions, safety, access to rights and participation in social places. All people have the right to be who they are and to freely express themselves without fear and discrimination. Nightlife must be a safer place for all!

If you see a transgender, non-binary or gender diverse person being discriminated against and harassed don´t close your eyes. It is completely okay not to feel like a superhero each time (or any time at all). Being an active bystander doesn’t mean you always should get into a fight or personally confront a perpetrator or that you should put yourself at risk. Instead of confronting the perpetrators you can invite the person to join you and leave the place more safely, or call for help. Stand up against discrimination and take care of each other!

Thank you!

Did you know that 74.8% of women are afraid to experience sexualised aggression in the nightlife settings?

The opportunity to flirt and have sexual encounters is one of the charms of nightlife!  However, independently of how horny we are and how much we want to have sex on that night, the interest and excitement must be mutual and the interaction should be egalitarian and respectful. At this point, let’s be clear: a person who is not feeling well is a person who needs help and care! By no chance, a heavily intoxicated, passed out or unconscious person it’s an opportunity for sex. People, and particularly women, are not sex toys! 

Nightlife cultures emerged as free spaces to be and express ourselves, to bound and care for each other. This is something very special and we all can join the chain of creating special and fun places for all. If someone is being a target of sexualized harassment and violence it’s not her problem. It is your and our problem. Open your eyes, search for help and choose to act! 

2. Sweaty as hell after dancing for hours, you are having a cigarette with your longtime friend. A woman sits next to him and fires a pipe. Suddenly he asks her “why is such a beauty here alone?”. She ignores him but your friend keeps insisting.

Thank you!